Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why India

Once I found out that I would be in India the day of AIDS Walk it saddened me that I would not be able to participate with all the great people of Kansas City. After some thought I decided there is no reason I can't take the walk to India. My friends there are very excited to be supporting this cause with me.

According to the CIA’s World Fact Book there are 2.4 million people living in India with HIV/AIDS and 310,000 deaths annually. That is compared to the 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the US with 22,000 deaths annually.

While I’m in India I’ll be going to different places (like the Taj Mahal) wearing my AIDS Walk shirts and hoping to strike up awareness there. I will be taking pictures of the places I go and sharing them with all of you back in KC.

Here are a few pics of my last visit.

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